DC and PPD regretted FA decision not to go to joint primaries


The presidents of the Christian Democracy (DC), Fuad Chahín, and from Party for Democracy (PPD), Heraldo Muñoz, they criticized the decision of the Broad Front (FA) not to accept primaries with the former New Majority for municipal elections and the election of regional governors.

“We discard the proposal of a single national pact for primaries that ignores our differences with the conservative and neoliberal sectors,” highlights the statement with which the FA ruined the option of primaries.

Along with this, the table announced its opening to negotiate omission pacts with other opposition sectors. Something that for the leaders of the DC and the PPD follows the logic of the “old politics” criticized by the Broad Front.

“Today the FA puts a tombstone on the possibility of #Primarias of the opposition for the election of mayors and regional governors. They opt for” pacts by omission “that turn their backs on citizens and territories. They promised renewal and repeat the worst practices of the old politics “, Chahín said through social networks.

Muñoz, meanwhile, regretted the FA’s decision not to go to primaries so that “the people choose the unitary candidates to oppose the municipal and regional elections. prioritizes self-identity and the old practice of default agreements. We will persist in the possible unity. “

The position of the FA national table not only generated annoyance in the former New Majority, but also within the left bloc itself, where the deputies Pablo Vidal Y Natalia Castillo, both from the Democratic Revolution, they expressed their reservations.

Not understanding that the unity of the progressive forces is essential in order to guarantee the people of Chile that the end result of this process will be successful and not a failure, it is simply political blindness. Today the identity of the political parties or those of the coalitions does not have any importance beside the objective that the people have demanded us to defend, which have to do with dignity, which have to do with changing the quality of life in another country. Therefore, I cannot understand the decision of the Broad Front, “said Vidal.

The criticism of Muñoz and Chahín was also joined by the president of the Radical Party, Carlos Maldonado, who asked not to fear democracy.
