Day of the “Golden” Official: Antofagasta opens bidding for $ 15 million for luxury awards | National


Watches with gold inlays, rings and chains will distribute the building house in a transaction of up to 15 million pesos. The community administration explained that the awards go to officials who “have been part of the first line of help to those who need it most” and that the amount this year is lower due to the pandemic.

The Municipality of Antofagasta opened a large tender to deliver 44 luxurious awards to its workers on Official’s Day.

According to BioBioChile, the building house intends to pay up to 15 million pesos in a process that began on September 14 and will last until the 23rd of this month, a fatal deadline for companies in the jewelry industry to submit their offers.

The required items? Rings, chains, and bracelets, all gold, plus inlaid watches of the same precious metal, among others.

“The Illustrious Municipality of Antofagasta aims to celebrate the Municipal Official’s Day so it calls for a public proposal for the acquisition of prizes (jewelry and others) to recognize municipal officials who complete years of service in 2020,” explains communal administration in the 37-page brief posted to the Public Market.

“The delivery of these awards – added in the document – aims to establish a tribute to municipal officials in recognition of the important future historical contribution they make to the development of the Antofagasta commune.”


As stated in the bases provided by a decree signed by the alternate mayor, Ignacio Pozo Piña, the awards will be divided depending on the years of service provided by each official.

Thus, for those with more than 15 years of experience (7 employees in total), they will receive a copper pen with lapis lazuli applications, in addition to a 32 GB pendrive.

Meanwhile, those who have been in the service of the municipality for more than 20 years (14) will receive a watch with two grams of gold inlays.

All of them “must come in boxes lined with blue velvet for men and burgundy for women,” the tender reads.

18 karat

From here, all the awards requested by the communal administration correspond to 18 karat gold jewelry.

In this way, officials with 25 years of service (5), will receive a ring made with the precious metal, while those with more than 35 years (10) will be awarded a chain that is attached to a pendant.

Meanwhile, the oldest, that is, those with more than 40 years of service (8) will wear a bracelet and an engraved pickaxe.

The award will take place on October 5.


From the building house, the municipal administrator, Yamile Guzmán, explained that this is an activity that takes place every year and that “It obeys an internal regulation of the municipality in which the trajectory of the civil servants is recognized and highlighted, from 15 to 50 years of service ”.

“We are talking about people with great dedication to public service and who have also been part of the first line of help to those who need it most in these times,” he added.

Likewise, according to Guzmán, the budget was reduced by 65% for this year’s awards due to the pandemic.

Check the bases here
