The mayor of Recoleta, Daniel Jadue, Manifested supporter of giving Bolivia an outlet to the sea through a corridor on the border of Chile with Peru, adding that in the negotiation benefits could be obtained in return, as gas supply.
“I am willing to solve the problem because The relationship with Bolivia must be considered looking not 200 years back, but 200 years forward“, he pointed out in the program Facebook Live of the municipality “A conversation without makeup”
In the program he receives questions from the residents of the commune and, in general, from users of the social network, this time accompanied by Caesar Abu-eid.
“I can’t imagine Chile fighting for him maritime theme. Besides us to be able to face the time that comes we need a united Latin America“added the presidential personal computer.
Jadue specified that the option may be “a strip and a corridor along the northern border, for which unfortunately we need the approval of Peru, it should be the most plausible way, in such a way that in no case interrupt the Chilean territory“.
When asked what benefit the country would obtain by giving up territory, he pointed out that “it can be discussed. Chile could win gas, water… There is enough wealth and enough needs to discuss a consideration that is beneficial to both countries. “