Simply unusual. Carabineros personnel had to rescue a 7-year-old minor in Temuco, after his father left him locked up for hours inside a bus. The reason? He went to drink with a friend.
Police personnel were alerted by a call made by a firefighter from a service center located in the center of the city.
Upon arriving at the place and after observing the vehicle, which was closed with a padlock, they noticed movements inside it, ocularly confirming that it was a child.
When gathering more information, they determined that the machine was parked in the place around midnight on Thursday, for which they established that the child remained inside the vehicle for almost 10 hours.
After being released, the Carabineros from the Family and Child Tenure proceeded to feed the minor, who said he was “very hungry,” an instance in which he also added that he had been left there by his father, who told him that “I am going back in a while”.
The minor was taken to verify injuries, and was later taken to the police station, in order to be able to contact both his mother and father, the latter being the one who appeared at the premises at approximately 10:30 in the morning in an evident alcoholic state. .
When asked why he had left his son locked in the bus, his response was unusual, “I went to drink with a friend.” The child was later handed over to his mother and after contacting the prosecutor on duty, he ordered the father to go to the first detention control.