An unusual event happened this Sunday while Cobreloa measured against Ublense at the Zorros del Desierto stadium in Calama. This is because the police reported an individual who locked his three-year-old daughter inside the car with the doors and windows closed while watching the game.
As the public cannot enter the stadiums, the subject looked at the engagement through a gate while the minor was in the vehicle. Neighbors were the ones who alerted the police to resolve the situation.
Around 10:30 a.m., Carabineros was constituted outside the Zorros del Desierto Municipal Stadium located on Bilbao street with Matta, finding a child under 3 locked up inside a car, explained the police authority.
Then he verified that his father remained approximately 70 meters from the mobile watching the soccer game of the Ublense and Cobreloa teams, who upon the arrival of the Carabineros proceeded to remove the minor from the interior of the vehicle, added the report.
It should be noted that the man was reported to the Family Courts, and the girl was handed over to her mother.
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