From this Monday the 2nd to Wednesday the 4th of November, a new version of Cyber Monday will take place, an online sales event that brings together hundreds of brands, multi-stores and even supermarkets.
It is expected that this time there will be a high participation of users and also a great variety of offers from companies.
How many companies will participate?
The initiative is carried out through the website www.cyber.cl, where the more than 600 brands who will participate in this instance.
The event will also have a solidarity edge, as it will have the presence of foundations “that help children, the elderly, homes and people of extreme poverty and segments affected by the pandemic crisis throughout the country.”
It is also intended that users anticipate Christmas purchases, with less than two months remaining for that day.
The main companies associated with the event
On the Cyber Monday website there are various brands, related to the field of technology, sports, clothing and travel, among others.
Among the most recognized multi-stores and supermarkets are:
Other main companies participating in this event are:
Click here to see the total of the brands participating in Cyber Monday 2020.
Full coverage
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