Criteria and Data Influye surveys destroy Piñera’s successful management of the pandemic


The bonds of President Sebastián Piñera are going down again, according to two surveys – the Criteria Agenda and Data Influence– whose results were known this day. The explanations for the decline in presidential approval are basically found in the government’s handling of the pandemic, and the paradox of a successful vaccination process in the face of contagion indicators that continue to skyrocket.

According to the Data Influye survey, the poll, approval of President Sebastián Piñera falls 4 points and reaches 9%, while disapproval reaches 76%. Meanwhile, the Criteria Agenda reveals that the President’s approval stagnates at 13 one point less than last month and his rejection increases by three percentage points, reaching 80.

The results come in a context of worsening of the pandemic in Chile, with the occupation of beds at the limit and where the Government has been taken to the blackboard, even in international publications, such as the New York Times and the Washington Post, by the “Successism” and the “false sense of confidence” transmitted about the vaccination process.

The numbers ratify what happened in recent days, and -according to Criteria- “the successful vaccination program has not been accompanied by a significant increase in approval and, for the third month, the President is unable to capitalize on this achievement in a positive image. . Meanwhile, the Government closes the first month of the last year with 13 approval, three percentage points less than the previous month ”.

According to this survey, a The vast majority of the population (79%) believe that the President has acted worse than expected regarding the health crisis and only 21% meanwhile, consider that they have done so above expectations.

“The President is constantly trying to generate more expectations (…) rather than wanting to be on the side of the people, he is on the side of his own interests. And the citizens perceive on the part of the Government a repetitive and recurrent game in which the expectations of the people are played ”, he commented in The Counter at La Clave Cristián Valdivieso, Director of Public Affairs at Criteria.

Government contradictions

In this context, the Government has tried to order the house to make the quarantines more effective, but without success because it has only added more lack of coordination, as happened yesterday with the appointment scheduled in La Moneda to take new measures, but after which no there were announcements.

Hence it is understood that the 70% express little or no confidence in the information provided by the Government on the pandemic, a figure that contrasts with the 63% who have confidence in the vaccination process, as expressed in the Data Influye survey.

“The surprise with the progress of the vaccination process was like a summer day and it has already been naturalized. Said in good Chilean ‘the lemon stopped giving juice’, then it stops being normal “, he told The counter Axel Callís, director TúInfluyes.

The analyst recalls that “there has always been mistrust in public information, and again the perception of sanitary management fell, because there have been too many contradictions, especially with regard to the issue of permits, as with the concept of the essential. People perceive that there is a double standard. The Government has maintained a discourse that Chileans do not respect the quarantine, but below it generates the conditions so that the activity is not interrupted, as is the case with construction and that it generates great mobility ”.

Economic pessimism

Axel Callís provides another reason that explains the government’s resignation: the reigning economic pessimism about the present and the future of the country. 39% of those surveyed rate their economic situation as “bad” or “very bad”, four points more than in the study of the previous month and emphasize that expectations are not the best.

In addition, the idea that Chile will progress fell 17 points, leaving only 1 in 4 people believe that progress will be made. That vision was transferred almost entirely to those who believe it will decline, up 14 points from the previous poll. “47% of those interviewed believe that the country’s economy will stagnate during this year and 27% think that it will decline,” says Callís.

In this context, the Government faces a scenario of questions from opposition parliamentarians – and even from the ruling party – who have criticized the Executive’s economic aid plan to face the pandemic, and who have trapped the middle class bond project and solidarity loans in the Senate.

“There is a terrible economic situation that the authorities are not appreciating and the quarantines are exacerbating it,” says Callís, which adds to a lack of social assistance from the Government that leads people to declare -for example- that the 77% would make a third withdrawal from the AFPs even if their account was left at zero.

However, according to Criteria, the critical judgment on government performance during the pandemic, when compared with other governments, is perceived in a more condescending way. 36 considers that it has done better than other governments (especially among those over 60 years of age). ) a 35 that has done worse and a 29 that has done it the same as other governments.
