The Minister Secretary General of the Presidency, Cristián Monckeberg, He referred tonight to the announcement of the Government to attend the Constitutional Court for the project that seeks a second withdrawal of 10% from the Pension Fund.
Interviewed in Estado Nacional de Canal 24 Horas, Monckeberg affirmed that there will be a withdrawal of funds, but that the mechanism is not clear. “The important thing is that there will be withdrawal (from the Pension Fund) (…) and that is an issue that we must begin to discuss”, indicated for the appointment in the United Finance and Labor commissions of the Senate that is discussing the project.
This week the Government presented its own project in this regard. The minister assured that going to the TC “It is not to oppose the withdrawal”Instead, the project is discussed respecting the “exclusive” powers that the President has in this regard.
Regarding the project that emerged from opposition deputies, he pointed out that “The rules were broken, because the mechanism is not adequate ”. Ask why the Government did not go to the TC for the first withdrawal, Monckeberg said that at that time the country was experiencing “a very uphill situation”, adding that “we understood that it was only once (…) it became habit”.
In addition, the minister indicated that the Government is available to discuss a Emergency Family Income “To operate next year or when necessary.”