Leonardo Rubilar Chandía | UNO Agency
On Saturday afternoon, the Government reported that the Bío Bío added 835 new cases confirmed from covid-19.
Of these 835 patients, 622 are symptomatic and 202 do not have the traditional symptoms of the disease.
Although the figure is lower than the 960 on Friday, it was enough to increase the active cases up to 4,760, a record for the area.
Until yesterday, that corresponded to 4,709 patients with the ability to infect healthy people.
For its part, the region of Valparaiso it also registered a record, but in terms of new diagnoses in the last 24 hours.
In detail, according to the Ministry of Health (Minsal), it was detected 555 positive people above 531 yesterday, the maximum until that day.
Of the total announced this day, 354 infected have symptoms and 117 show no signs of the disease.
National situation
At the national level, from La Moneda, Undersecretary Alberto Dougnac reported that in the last 24 hours they reported 5,928 new cases by SARS-CoV-2.
It is the second consecutive day that the country borders 6 thousand cases. Of these, 4,052 have symptoms and 1,520 are asymptomatic.
Along these lines, the head of Healthcare Networks called on the entire population to be cared for in the next 15 days.
“Maintain the strict care measures,” he said, in order to reach April, when “we reach this desired period when we already have a greater effect of the vaccine.