Covid-19 home outbreak detected in Caleta Lenga de Hualpén | National


Sebastian Brogca | UNO Agency


Immediately a active search system via PCR to at least 50 neighbors, in conjunction with a dissemination plan on the responsible use of beaches.

A home outbreak set off the alarms in Caleta Lenga after seven people tested positive for covid-19.

Specifically, they are five members of a family and two people outside of that group Regarding those who confirmed the contagion by coronavirus in this sector of the commune of Hualpén.

The Minister of Health, Héctor Muñoz, went to the area and held an impromptu meeting with residents of the place, all concerned about the situation.

Cesfam La Floresta staff performed 50 PCR tests on residents of Lenga. The actions to be followed by the health authority will depend on the results, without ruling out a confinement of the territory.

The president of the restaurant owners, Sonia Rodríguez, admitted the irresponsibility of some residents as a trigger for the outbreak.

Health Personnel, led by the seremis of the branch and Government, Muñoz and Francesca Parodi, they toured the beach to monitor the arrival of visitors.

The representative of the central government in the region called responsibility to those who wish to spend the day on the beaches, remembering that during the weekends the quarantine continues.

There is a work with the coastal municipalities to delimit the beachesMuñoz asserted, so that people know the distance that must be maintained and the recommended measures to reduce the risks of contagion.
