The Court of Appeals of Valparaíso, taking into account the merits of the antecedents, confirmed the appealed resolution that decreed the precautionary measure of Pretrial detention for a former partner of Ámbar Cornejo’s mother for the crimes of production and storage of child pornography.
Is about Manuel Garcia Queirolo, 57, father of an “aunt” of the teenager murdered in Villa Alemana and ex boyfriend of his mother, Denisse Llanos.
The subject, who was arrested last August 17 by the PDI Cybercrime Brigade, is the father of Maritza garcia, who, in the middle of the search for Ámbar, presented herself as her “aunt”, despite the fact that they are not related by blood. Ámbar told him that way out of affection and lived at home for several monthsTherefore, she was de facto a kind of tutor.
The cause corresponds to an investigation that is carried out in parallel to the murder of the minor, after a complaint – from January of this year – against García for the alleged crime of sexual abuse against Ámbar.
After García’s arrest, the Valparaíso Cybercrime Brigade began to extract the information from the cell phone, finding more than 400 images of Amber sexual and explicit, reported the Prosecutor’s Office.
The subject must remain deprived of liberty for the 90 days that the investigation will last.
Court confirms preventive detention of Manuel García Queirolo, 65 years old. Charged with the crimes of storage of pornographic material and production, where the victim was Ámbar Cornejo. He must remain deprived of liberty while the case is investigated. @FiscaliaRegionV pic.twitter.com/DRoc5lz2nz
– Valparaíso Prosecutor’s Office (@FiscaliaRegionV) August 28, 2020