Coté López and his mother captivate social networks with photography on “Mother’s Day”


Like many celebrities, Coté López took advantage of the new Mother’s Day celebration to celebrate her mother by sharing a photo with her on social networks. The model accompanied the registry with an emotional message in which she also greeted all the mothers in the world.

“Happy day to the moms of the world !!!!!!!!!! Because each and every one of you deserve EVERYTHING just for giving everything for another human being. A hug with all my heart !! And obviously, this greeting goes With more strength for @ meme.frapal you are the best! PS: Happy day for my little girl, my mother-in-law, my weddings, my guela, my aunts and my friends are all DRY, “she said.

Coté López received hundreds of messages for Mother’s Day. However, the record with his mother María Elena Merino, did not go unnoticed by his followers, who highlighted the great similarity between the two. Therefore, in addition to congratulating her on Mother’s Day, her compliments rained down for her beauty and likeness.

“How beautiful. You can see where you inherited those wonderful genes! Congratulations”, “beautiful both”, and “How beautiful both! Happy day to both !!” were some of the messages. Even, there were those who assured that they look like sisters. “Linda Coté … They look like sisters !!! Happy day to both of you,” said one person.

Coté López Instagram

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