During this Saturday, September 26, the Ministry of Health published on its website the 54th Epidemiological Report, stating, with a deadline of September 24, that in the country there are 512,964 cases of COVID-19 between laboratory confirmed and suspects, and a rate of 2,636.2 per 100,000 inhabitants.
At the community level, Punta Arenas it remained the most affected in the country, despite the fact that it showed a slight improvement in active cases, going from 1,255 (53rd Report) to 1,246. They follow her High Bridge (371), Talca (369), Arica (363) and Rancagua (337).
Meanwhile, the number of active cases throughout the national territory decreased from 17,076 to 15,963, while by region the figures are:
– Arica and Parinacota: 372
– Tarapacá: 339
– Antofagasta: 466
– Atacama: 409
– Coquimbo: 455
– Valparaíso: 1,226
– Metropolitan: 3,954
– O’Higgins: 1,038
– Maule: 1,284
– Ñuble: 653
– Biobío: 2,298
– Araucanía: 648
– The Rivers: 279
– Los Lagos: 903
– Aysén: 109
– Magellan: 1,520