The COVID-19 pandemic has alerted health institutions worldwide and since the outbreak that affected the population of China, its spread has been recorded on all continents. Most people who become infected have a disease with mild symptoms recover, but in other cases it can become more serious.
The Ministry of Health (MINSA) has recommended that citizens not go directly to health centers, but make calls so that, through evaluation with a doctor, they can learn about the real picture of the disease. However, this health emergency has caused the care numbers that are available to the population to be widely used and hospitals very crowded. This would be one of the consequences of this phase of the pandemic, where it is not always possible that all sick people can be attended in person.
Also, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it has been shown that most people who get COVID-19 can recover and eliminate the virus from their bodies. For this reason, If a person contracts the disease, they should be sure to treat their symptoms and avoid their spread through isolation at home.. Conversely, in severe conditions with high fever and respiratory distress, face-to-face medical attention should be sought promptly.
According to the Technical Document Care and Clinical Management of Cases of COVID-19 updated to March 30, in Peru it has been 80% of mild and moderate pictures, 13.8% of severe pictures and 6.1% of critical pictures.
This type of coronavirus is so new and different that a vaccine has not yet been developed, but there are ways to treat this disease from home and without putting our community at risk of contagion. Therefore, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has presented these ten tips for mild cases (cough, malaise and sore throat) of COVID-19:
1. Stay home. Respect the mandatory quarantine and avoid visiting other public places. If you must go out, avoid using public transport, shared vehicles or taxis.
2. Monitor your symptoms very carefully. If your symptoms get worse, call your healthcare provider right away.
3. Rest and stay hydrated.
4. If you have a medical appointment, Call your healthcare provider before attending, and inform them that you have or could have COVID-19.
5. If you have a medical emergency, Call the lines made available by the State and notify the operator that you have or could have COVID-19.
6. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
7. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains a minimum of 60% alcohol.
8. As much as possible, stay in a specific room and stay away from other people who live in your house. Also, if possible, you should use a separate bathroom. If you must be in contact with other people or outside your house, wear a mask.
9. Avoid sharing personal items with others in your home, such as dishes, towels, and bedding.
10. Clean all frequently touched surfaces, like kitchen counters, tables, and door knobs. Use household cleaning sprays or cloths to clean and disinfect your home.
When is it necessary to request immediate medical attention?
According to the Ministry of Health (MINSA), the warning signs that identify the need for immediate medical attention in cases of COVID-19 are:
– Feeling of shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
– disorientation and confusion
– Fever (temperature greater than 38 ° C) persistent for more than two days
– Chest pain
– Blue coloration on the lips (cyanosis).