Copilot was killed by rock that fell off a moving truck
by José Muñoz
The information is from the Prosecutor’s Office
Credit: Twitter | @Victor_Curico
A 36-year-old man died during this day after receiving the impact of a stone while he was circulating as co-pilot of a smaller vehicle in Chimbarongo, O’Higgins region.
The accident took place in the Tinguiririca sector where, for reasons that are still being investigated, this element was detached from an aggregate truck and it fell on the vehicle.
Twitter | @Victor_Curico
As indicated, the truck involved was searched by police personnel to take the driver’s statement of this vehicle; which would have already been achieved.
In the place, personnel from the SIAT of Carabineros, who will develop proceedings and investigate to discover how the events were carried out.
O’Higgins Prosecutor’s Office has the specialized work of the SIAT of @carab_ohiggins to investigate accte. where the co-pilot of a minor vehicle died from the impact of a stone that would have detached from a truck that was transporting aggregates in the commune of #Chimbarongo