Convention: Government seeks agreement after approval of reserved seats outside the 155 quotas | National


A call to reach an agreement on the Reserved Seats Law were made this Tuesday by the ministers of the General Secretariat of the Presidency, Cristián Monckeberg, and of Social Development and Family, Karla Rubilar.

The foregoing, after approving the draft of reserved seats for native peoples in a mixed commission, but without a consensus between the government and opposition parliamentarians, which meant that the project that will reach Sala contemplates 18 seats for native peoples, but considering nine of those quotas outside of the 155 agreed in November last year.

In this regard, Minister Karla Rubilar referred, who pointed out that as a government they regret “that an agreement has not been reached in the mixed. For that, all sectors have to give in their positions. The parliamentarians of Chile Vamos have made, from the beginning, important efforts towards consensus ”.

For his part, Minister Monckeberg pointed out that “yesterday we made progress, but we need one more effort,” adding that he trusts that “The agreement is still possible, if there is a real will in the opposition to include indigenous peoples in the Constituent Convention. If it does not happen, there is a looming wound for democracy here and it is necessary that we avoid it with all possible will and means. We are on time.”

That is why the call is to exhaust all efforts. “An indication was voted that does not meet the majorities, which requires a high and transversal vote in the Chamber. We are still in time to not make a historical mistake. We cannot exclude indigenous peoples from a process as important as their due representation in the drafting of a new Constitution for Chile, ”added the minister.
