Constitution Commission approves adding reserved seats for indigenous peoples in Convention | National


The Senate Constitution commission, approved the indication you are looking to add 23 additional seats, to the 155 that already exist in the Constitutional Convention that will draft the new Fundamental Charter. Now the proposal will have to be ratified by the Chamber.

According to the amendment – proposed by the opposition – 14 of those seats would be established for Mapuche representatives, and the rest for other indigenous peoples. Likewise, the register would be based on self-identification and not on registration in Conadi, as I had proposed Chile Come on.

The Senator of the Christian Democracy, Francisco Huenchumilla, He warned of the importance of the initiative having a political agreement, since in his opinion, the reform needs the approval of 26 legislators, a quorum of 3/5, who “probably will not be there.”

For its part, Senator from the UDI, Luz Ebensperger, made a constitutionality reservation, with the aim of raising the approval quorum to 2/3.

The parliamentarian accused an overrepresentation that the Mapuche people would have in case the bill saw the green light in the Senate Chamber.

The Minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency, Cristián Monckeberg, He reiterated that the Government will make every effort to ensure that there are seats for indigenous peoples, revealing that negotiations have been made with Congress so that the elected constituents can carry out their work successfully.

Along these lines, the Secretary of State pointed out that there are different views and views on the subject, but that they all have a common goal.

In the middle of the debate, the Senate Constitution commission rejected the indication presented by the head of the National Renovation bench, Senator Rodrigo Galilea, who sought to add 15 reserved seats among the 155 conventional

It should be noted that the project was approved in general by the Chamber of the Upper House in July of this year. This time, the parliamentarians of the hemicycle will have to pronounce against the indications approved this Thursday by the commission.

Then, the project will return to the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies, in a process against the clock for the conformation of the Constitutional Convention.
