Congress will cut flights abroad to comply with fiscal savings plan in the face of crisis Covid-19 | National


The National Congress will cut the total foreign travel fund in response to the requirement of the Directorate of Budgets (Dipres), to make an adjustment in the context of the health crisis for Covid-19.

In that sense, the instance must contribute 3 billion pesos to contribute to the financing of the economic emergency plan announced by the Government.

In breakdown, the Senate has to contribute $ 1,009 million, the Chamber of Deputies $ 1,534 million, and the Library of Congress must make a reduction of $ 400 million.

According to La Tercera, on Monday the representatives of both houses met with the Dipres to establish the budget cuts that they will carry out, among them is the amount reserved for trips abroad.

While the annual budget for both instances, regarding tickets, reaches 200 million pesos, as for the per diem of parliamentarians, it reaches 150 million. This last point is calculated in dollars and euros, depending on the country of destination and its cost of living.

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Diego Paulsen, indicated that “as we are going to suspend all trips, clearly there we will have part of the savings that the Dipres demands today. We are looking for the resources that were asked of us. ”

“From Congress we want to collaborate with this budget cut and we are all going to have to make serious efforts to contribute to the emergency Chile is going through,” he added.

According to the media, Paulsen is one of the parliamentarians who more traveled during his parliamentary exercise, registering 16 flights between April 2018 and February 2020.

Another cut that Congress would make would be the suspension of events, such as the celebration that the Chamber of Deputies held at the Sporting club in Viña del Mar every year.
