Confusam announces national strike of 48 hours denouncing breaches of the Government in the 2021 treasury


La Confusam denounced “breaches” of the Executive in the budget for next year, such as bonuses to health personnel, the suspension of the User Treatment survey, in addition to not evaluating different goals. For these reasons, the confederation of municipal health officials announced a 48-hour national strike.

According to the president of the union, Gabriela Flores, to Radio Biobío, the proposed treasury contemplates an increase of only $ 160 per capita for primary care compared to 2020. This, in her opinion, “shows that people’s health is not valued by the Government “.

The mobilization will take place between November 12 and 13; and it is also due to the health budget for 2021.

Confusam assured that during the mobilization days they will carry out ethical shifts throughout the country and at all levels of care, but that the functions related to the coronavirus pandemic will not be interrupted.
