Comptroller’s Office enters Enjoy case and decides to oversee President Piñera’s blind trust


The Enjoy case is turning into a nightmare for Sebastián Piñera, when it was confirmed this afternoon that the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic has decided to review the blind trust of the President of the Republic.

With this objective, the control entity officially appointed the Commission for the Financial Market (CMF) and three investment fund managers (BTG Pactual, Moneda Asset and Altis) that handle the President’s money.

“The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic informs that, in the exercise of the legal powers conferred on it by the second paragraph of Article 47 of Law No. 20,880, on probity of the public function and prevention of conflicts of interest, has officiated at the Financial Market Commission and three investment fund managers (…) in order to oversee compliance with the rules that regulate the special mandate for the administration of the securities portfolio (blind trust), ”the statement said. of the organization headed by Jorge Bermúdez.

The legal article cited by the comptroller body endorses its landing on the issue, since the text indicates that “the sanctions established for the authorities of the State Administration indicated in this Title will be applied by the Comptroller General of the Republic, in accordance with the provisions of article 48 (…) in the exercise of its oversight role, the Comptroller’s Office may request information from the authorities bound by this Title and those who act as agents pursuant to it ”.

Since Presidency reacted by stating that the Comptroller’s announcement “It is the best way to clarify doubts, deny false information and ratify full and permanent compliance by the President of Law 20,880 on Probity in the Public Function and Prevention of Conflicts of Interest ”.

Controversial decree

Although the investigation opened by the Comptroller’s Office is ex officio, it should be remembered that there were express requests before the controlling entity, such as those made by the lawyer Luis Mariano Rendón and the regionalist deputy Jaime Mulet, asking to take action on the matter and supervise the handling of the President’s silver.

For him deputy Mulet, “What the Comptroller’s Office has announced is very good, we want this to be clarified in depth. In Chile there is no one above the law, not even the President of the Republic. We are talking about a trust, of a benefit that would have been indirectly received. the President’s economic group and we believe that this should be thoroughly investigated ”.

The focus is on the fact that both BTG Pactual and Moneda Asset – which manage the President’s money – invested in Enjoy, a company that benefited from the Superintendency of Casinos and the controversial decree 77 signed by the Head of State and the Minister of Finance.

“The decree is made as a tailored suit, since the only one that favored was Enjoy, since that is how the guarantee tickets were not collected,” he said in The Counter at La Clave the journalist Alejandra Matus, who has promoted the investigation of the case.

The President’s “rescue” of the Martínez family company, allowed him to extend the current operating permits of four municipal casinos operated by Enjoy (Viña del Mar, Puerto Varas, Coquimbo and Pucón), which has fueled suspicions regarding to the case, and Piñera’s ties to the issue.

From sources close to the case they explain that, although the rules of the blind trust allow only one formal communication at the beginning of the relationship, eventually there is the possibility of an exceptional communication with Piñera or Bancard, the President’s family office, and that is what intends to clear the investigation of the Comptroller’s Office.

On this topic, the Congressman Rodrigo González (PPD), who brought up another edge of the case, which points to the same companies of the blind trust of the President of the Republic with a triangulation of silver from the AFPs to the large economic groups of the country. In his opinion, the Comptroller’s decision is “the product of work that we carry out in the casino investigative commission and of the letters that we send to the comptroller requesting that Moneda Asset and BTG Pactual be investigated for the intermediation of funds that belong to the workers and that they should never have gone to the large economic groups as was demonstrated in the official letters sent by the superintendent (Osvaldo) Macías ”.

It should be remembered that Enjoy has defended itself by pointing out that the controversial decree was endorsed by the Comptroller General of the Republic itself, under the argument that this entity “expressly ruled that the extraordinary health circumstances in which the country finds itself as a result of the outbreak of COVID-19 has configured a situation of fortuitous event and that for this reason it is justifiable to grant exceptional terms to the casino industry ”, as he stated in an insert published in Third Y The Mercury. However, sources in the case point out that the taking of reason represents only an act of form, of legality, and there was no pronouncement on the merits of what was signed by the President.
