Comptroller’s Office detected overpricing in boxes of food purchased and distributed by the Government


The Comptroller General of the Republic made a comparison of the prices of the food baskets delivered by the Government, revealing a high payment for products in 15 of the 16 regions of the country, reaching up to 44%.

The study “Evaluation of prices paid in the Food Program for Chile”, carried out by the Comptroller’s Office, revealed that between May 18 and June 30 of last year, when this state aid was carried out, an average of 29,854 pesos was paid per box food.

In total, an expenditure of 92 billion pesos for food baskets and the regions that had the highest quantity of these food boxes were the Metropolitan, with 60.9%, and Valparaíso and Los Lagos added 15.9%.

In addition, in 15 of the 16 regions of the country a higher value was paid at the established price, compared to the alternative prices detected by the agency. In the Tarapacá region registered a 44% surcharge, where the average value of the baskets was 51,524 pesos, followed by the Maule, where there was a 38% surcharge, with the price of the boxes for 22,753 pesos.

Third is the Antofagasta region, where there was a 36% overprice in the baskets, with a disbursement for each one for 41,643, while the Metropolitan appears in tenth place, with a 13.6% overprice.

Meanwhile, in three regions the purchases they were at least 70% more expensive that those listed in the regional and seven regions were between 40-70% more expensive than those listed.

“Evaluation of prices paid in the Food Program for Chile” by on Scribd
