Comptroller’s Office detected millions of irregularities in the “Digital Hospital” of Minsal


Unjustified purchases and misuse of public resources. These were some of the irregularities detected by the Comptroller General of the Republic in the implementation of the program “Digital Hospital “, one of the flagship projects of the Government of Sebastián Piñera during the administration of the former minister Emilio Santelices.

The supervisory body conducted an audit of the implementation of this program, released by Santelices in May 2019 and executed through the Undersecretary of Assistance Networks with the objective of taking the care of specialists from a distance and thus interpreting examinations, diagnoses and granting treatment; and the hiring associated with the Convergent Platform, through which remote services would be carried out.

Comptroller reported that the final report of the investigation (see file) “It will be brought to the attention of the Public Ministry for the effects that correspond by law, taking into account the observed facts.”

As detailed by the agency, the first irregularity detected by the audit was that the Undersecretariat “did not provide background information on conducting any prior study of available technological resources, which would allow to have a comparison base on what was necessary to acquire for the implementation of the Digital Hospital Program omission that breaches article 55, of Law No. 18,575, Constitutional Organic Law of General Bases of the State Administration, which it indicates that the general interest requires the use of suitable means of diagnosis, decision and control, to specify, within the legal order, efficient and effective management “.

Comptroller added that Minsal “acquired 22,055 licenses of the MPI Biometría software for the convergent platform, through purchase order ID N ° 4127-333-CM17, dated March 14, 2017, for an amount of $ 3,238,517,828. , VAT included, to the company Importaciones y Exportaciones Tecnodata SA “.

Of this, As of October 2019, less than 50 were occupied, the maximum amount necessary for the pilot stage, “reason why the volume of said acquisition or its timing is not justified, a situation that accounts for the lack of a prior analysis for the execution of such acquisition “, the auditors’ report confirmed.

In this regard, the Undersecretariat of Healthcare Networks “initiated an administrative summary by means of exempt resolution No. 578, of 2019, of that origin. Regarding the above, that distribution must send within a period of 15 business days, counted from the receipt of this report, the file of said summary process, in order for this Comptroller General to continue with its processing “.


On the other hand, the Comptroller’s Office detected the purchase order ID N ° 4127-284-CM19, of March 5, 2019, through which the service of definition of Big Data platform long-term and data governance strategy, to the company Metric Arts SpA, for an amount of UF 669.24, equivalent to 18,445,472 pesos -according to the UF value at that date.

“The objective was, among others, to establish the architectural guidelines for the aforementioned long-term converged platform based on Cloud Computing Y design an ad-hoc methodology to the aforementioned technology for the definition and implementation of Health Intelligence projects “, explained the inspection body.

However, the Comptroller’s Office verified that “As of December 2019, the Big Data project was suspended -Without the entity providing information to justify it- for which the disbursements associated with that project had not materialized in the solution expected by that undersecretary, which also shows that the department did not carry out previous studies that justified the real need for carry it out. “

For this reason, the Undersecretariat must submit the antecedents that respond to the lack of implementation of the referred Big Data project, within a period of 60 business days from the date of receipt of this final report.

For the Comptroller, “Both situations violate the principles of control, efficiency, effectiveness and suitable administration of the public media and the due fulfillment of the public function that govern the organs of the State Administration, as well as the permanent hierarchical control that any authority or leadership must exercise “.

At the same time, it was found that the lack of implementation of the Big Data project “generated an underutilization of the services that complement it, namely, Housing, together with the processing, analysis and support of information.”

Due to this situation, the Undersecretariat must report, “in detail”, the degree of use of the Minsal sector cloud, the 5 Racks Housing service and complementary services, and the infrastructure to support the processing, analysis and storage of large volumes of data from various information systems of the aforementioned ministry, within a maximum period of 60 business days, counted from the receipt of this document.


In addition, and in terms of large purchases, the Comptroller’s Office detected that they were awarded tenders totaling $ 3.5 million to three specific technology brands: HP, Cisco and Microsoft.

“It was verified that the audited entity in two Large Purchases made through the processes ID NOS 32130, 32122, and in the purchase order ID N ° 427-2282-CM17, awarded to the companies Anida Consultores SA, Teknos Chile SA and Synet SpA, for a value of USD 1,942,627.40, USD 1,156,939.42 and USD 426,876.80, respectively, established that the Provider should attach the condition of being a partner of HP, a CISCO partner and licenses for the use of Microsoft brand software, in that order “, exposed the investigation.

According to the Comptroller, “Requesting specific trademarks implied addressing their requirements, which contravenes the provisions of Article 9, second paragraph, of Law No. 18,575, which establishes that the bankruptcy procedure will be governed by the principles of free participation of the bidders to the administrative call and equality before the bases that govern the contract and the provisions of the opinion N ° 72,044, of 2016, of this origin “.

“On the other hand,” says the body, “The fragmentation of the purchase made to the company GETS SA was noticed, for a value of UF 1,716.00 and UF 1,727.36, since within 40 days it issued four purchase orders through the framework agreement, ID N »4127-732-CM19, 4127-734-CM19, 4127-973-CM19 and 4127-1026-CM19, whose amounts ranged from 978 and 986 UTM, which accounts for a division of these acquisitions thereby avoiding the Large Purchases process, provided for in Article 14 bis of Decree No. 250, of 2004, of the Ministry of Finance -regulation of Law No. 19,886 “.

“Additionally, the final paragraph of article 7 of Law No. 19,886, on Bases on Administrative Contracts for Supply and Provision of Services, and article 13 of said decree No. 250 of 2004, which provide that The Administration may not fragment its contracts for the purpose of varying the contracting procedure. Such situations will be incorporated into the summary that this Control Entity will continue with its execution, “the audit warned.


Likewise, the Comptroller’s Office reported that the audit verified “problems with the security certificates of the institutional site, in relation to the web service called Chat Box, preventing the processing of questions, redirecting to the point of origin, which could lead to confusion for users, not knowing by what means they can receive advice on their queries “.

Regarding this last point, the Undersecretariat of Healthcare Networks “must specify the termination of the aforementioned service, as communicated, sending the documentation that supports said action, within 60 business days from receipt of this final report” .

Finally, the audit also found that “Six of the 19 rural posts validated by this Control Entity presented connectivity problems, which hinders its operation and its relationship with the Digital Hospital Program, since internet access is essential for this initiative. “
