Colo Colo solidarity: The Social Club brings a bed to Luis Fernando Ayala, the longest-standing player in Chile | Hit Albo


Luis Fernando Araya was champion with Colo Colo in 1941 (undefeated), 1944 and 1947. The former goalkeeper played professionally for ten years, eight at Cacique, and in his years as a player he met and shared with Francisco Arellano (brother David), Franz Platko, the Tiger Enrique Sorrel, among others.

He currently lives in San Antonio, suffering various physical consequences that professionalism left him, but his greatest pain has been loneliness.

It is part of the population at risk and has more problems to mobilize in these days of quarantine, so from the Colo Colo CSD they were in aid of the 99-year-old former Albo goalkeeper.

Through the Aid Committee for former Colo Colo players, which is made up of volunteers from the Club’s Social Area, an electric bed was handed over to the historic champion.
In addition, he received other supplies for these days and his family is in direct contact with the club to arrange any type of help.

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