Colo Colo gave a new sample of the bad communication work what is taking Black and white in this 2020, a year marked by the notorious sports and institutional crisis what has us fighting not to descend to the First B.
When it is urgent that the referents or more experienced face in this delicate moment, the communication area of the team sent to the front Branco Provoste at today’s press conference, youth of the Chief who has had a discreet performance in the first team this season and that more criticism has received from the Albos fans.
The flyer pointed to the microphones in the Monumental Stadium that “You have to be very strong in your head. From this we work out. We are who we are and we have to keep working hard every day to get out of this situation. “
Along these lines, he reaffirmed his idea in saying that “We are sure and confident that working and striving day by day, as we do, we will get out of this. The group is united, very united, and we cannot stay with the past. We have to fully focus on Audax and always look forward. “
“I am very self-critical, I have also played and I will always put my chest to the bullets. Perhaps it has not been the best performance, but we have the desire as a team to get out of this situation all together”, concluded.
Usually statements that represent the first team and, let’s say, also Colo Colo, which do not add up to anything. It is not Provoste’s fault that they have to come out and show their faces at these times, when others must step forward, especially if you look at the leadership of Black and White in this past.
The Cacique fights the descent and is a youth, who is also incapable of giving a statement worthy of what this institution is, the one who faces the Monumental. From bad to worse Colo Colo in this 2020 in all possible areas.
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