Colo Colo seeks outside help to get out of the fund


Colo Colo does not come out of his crisis and, after losing to La Serena (and O’Higgins’s triumph over Huachipato), he was more sunk than before at the bottom of the table, now five points behind the new penultimate classified, Coquimbo Unido.

The albos appear in free fall and there are no responses on the campus. The coach Gustavo Quinteros highlighted this situation and assured that the bad moment is explained, fundamentally, by the unstable mood of his players. “The pressure affects us,” said DT after the stumble against the North.

For the same reason, and aware that there is no more margin for error to avoid a catastrophe, it is that DT himself he’s looking for outside help to try to give his footballers an emotional boost. The idea of ​​the coach is to incorporate a specialist who is capable of raising the morale of the group, as time is short and the threat of descent becomes more and more real.

“We have been doing activities, talks with professionals. We need a training. We are working on that. To have someone who can change our minds. Here no player is used to fighting relegation. This year was fatal for the institution, “Quinteros himself commented in the press conference after the stumble against the” garnet “club.

“We are worrying a lot about the game. In adversity, our game is totally negative”, the trainer also complained. “We are not clear, we do not have a good pass, we do not finish the play well, the centers are always the rival. The situation means that we cannot decide well,” he remarked. And he sentenced: “There is no other option but to keep working, improving at work, talking a lot with each one. In any case, it is up to us to move this forward.”
