Colo Colo explained the use of the radio and the tablet in banking


The image generated diverse reactions. One of Gustavo Quinteros’ aides appeared in the CDF cameras (see below) with a radio. Some rival fans of Colo Colo accused communication, something that is prohibited by regulation, with the suspended strategist Gustavo Quinteros.

In this context, Leandro Stillitano, who appears on the screen, explained this situation and denied any contact with his boss.

“It was not communication with the coach, we worked a lot with technology. In all the previous games, one of my functions is to analyze and select plays to show the players at halftime the strengths and weaknesses of the plan that we carry out. To correct or adjust things or to continue having the virtues. That’s the end of radio and tablet use, “he said.

The laptop was known because in other transmissions its use has been appreciated. However, the issue of the communicator produced comments because a few days ago UC technician Ariel Holan was summoned to the Disciplinary Court for an image where he appears with a similar object.

The DT and the club assure that he was not giving instructions either, but anyway he must present himself to deliver his version in Quilín. What will happen to the albos?
