The situation of Matías Zaldivia brought out hives in the colocolino fan, in the Cacique staff and at the leadership level as well. That is why the measure adopted a few hours ago, of sending it to the isapre, was discarded.
That is why after so many bad moments Aníbal Mosa came out to show his face and faced the media to talk about Matías Zaldivia and much more.
“We were discussing this situation. We were denounced by the Labor Directorate, fined for not taking Iván Morales’ license. Another license arrived and the general manager activated it on a regular basis. But, in parallel, we were talking with Matías Zaldivia and his representative to to solve this. I am very sorry for Matías, he is a very important player for us, one of our captains, I had to receive him when he arrived five years ago and he has had a very nice career in Colo Colo. First of all, I feel sorry for him because he was aired All this”, he expressed.
He further added that, “Before he had two serious injuries and there were never problems. With Botafogo in Brazil we brought him shattered on the plane, last year too. This confusion should not have occurred, a solution should have been sought before, but the important thing is that it will be solved . With the player and it will have a legal edge as well. The provision is that the player is not affected for any reason, but we are also going to protect the legal issue so as not to have problems with the direction of work “.
Aníbal Mosa also continued to delve further into the case of Matías Zaldivia. “We were sanctioned by the Labor Directorate for not giving the regular channel to Iván Morales’ medical license. For an administrative issue, we had to give it this way. But we were talking to see how to amend this situation with Matías. It came to the press, but we were having conversations with Marcelo Espina and his representative to see how it was solved “, he detailed.

Finally he added that, “It was solved, I presented it to the board of directors and we gave the powers to our lawyers and Marcelo Espina so that Matías is not affected. But it must be all legal, we cannot pay a difference when there is a medical license. It must be consensual. It is a legal edge. But already Alejandro Paul (general manager), Marcelo and our lawyers are going to communicate with Mati to solve this impasse that should never have happened “.