Coletazos of the Middle Class Bonus touch the police: 1,370 Carabineros and 48 PDI officials obtained benefits without meeting the requirements


On October 8 the Los Lagos regional prosecutor, Carmen Gloria Wittwer, began investigating the irregular obtaining of the $ 500 thousand contemplated in the Middle Class Bonus, by people who did not meet the requirements to receive the benefit.

This, after the Internal Revenue Service (SII) inform that some 437,703 dependent workers presented differences between the amount they self-declared as taxable salary for July 2020 at the time of requesting that benefit and the real calculated from their mandatory social security contributions or from what is actually received. Of these, about 37 thousand belonged to the public sector.

Shortly before the opening of the criminal investigation, the national prosecutor, Jorge Abbott, at the beginning of October he officiated at the director of the SII asking for a complete list of the people who committed the infractions. That time the Public Ministry reported that the investigation could be by the possible crimes of fraud of subsidies, perjury, among other illicit.

Thus, the police and criminal system agencies, such as the prosecution and the Judiciary, began to carry out their own survey after the SII sent them the collected information.

In the case of Carabineros, Internal Taxes sent them a list with 1,370 RUT of officials of the uniformed police, active carabinieri and retired policemen, who at the national level obtained the middle class bonus without meeting the requirements. In total, between civilians and police officers, there are 66 thousand people in the institution.

He SII gave them until November 30 to return the money. For this reason, Carabineros started a process that consists of asking each person on the list if they acknowledge having obtained the bonus. Those who accept it must sign a certificate and return the voucher. In that act it is made clear that if they concealed having collected it, they must assume the legal and administrative responsibilities that this would cause.

According to police sources, there are civilians who have said that they had jobs through fee tickets outside of their working hours in the Carabineros and that due to a pandemic they had to stop working. Thus they have justified that their income was affected, that they did have an impact on their remuneration and that for that reason they asked for the benefit. In this way, in each case the boss is determining administrative measures if applicable.

Meanwhile, in the Investigative Police (PDI) there are 48 officials they would have received the benefit. “In this context, the PDI will adopt the most drastic measures, considering that staff at no time had their salaries affected and that he was aware of the administrative implications in the case of requesting it “, they indicated from the institution. The total police force is 12,839 people, including civilians and uniformed men.

In the Public ministry, the National Prosecutor’s Office informed the regional prosecutors’ offices the names of the officials who obtained the bonus without meeting the requirements, so that proceedings can be initiated. According to sources linked to the cause, in total they are 46 people. In addition, the same sources indicate that there are no prosecutors among the beneficiaries and that the people belong to different regions and there have been no cases registered in Los Lagos, Ñuble or Magallanes. In total, this institution is made up of 4,500 people.

In the case of They canl, as reported by El Mercurio, the plenary session of the Supreme Court ordered summaries to 230 employees. None of them would be ministers, judges or rapporteurs. In this institution there are a total of 10,457 officials of the Judicial Power, 694 of support and 1,077 of the Administrative Corporation of the Judicial Power.
