Colegio de Profesores refuses to advance the beginning of the school year: “If you intend to impose a decision of this type on the communities without having consulted, it seems very bad to me”


The president of the College of Professors and Teachers, Mario Aguilar, rejected the statements of the Minister of Education Raúl Figueroa, who stated that the 2021 school year could begin “a little earlier.”

“It has been thought that the 2021 school year will start a little earlier, it is being evaluated,” said the head of the Mineduc on Sunday night in Zero Tolerance.

Given this, Aguilar pointed out to 24 Horas that “we found out on TV that the minister was thinking about a matter of this type. It seems to me that there is a very inadequate procedure. having consulted, without people having participated, seems very bad to me “.

“It seems to me that it is an inadequate procedure. In times in which Chile has changed a lot, and people demand respect, participation,” he said.

In the same way, he stressed that “basically it is important to note that he is thinking of doing that during the vacation period, but it happens that all this time he has worked and he has worked a lot, a lot.”

In addition, he recalled that “in the month of February, where supposedly they would return to classes, the vast majority of families in Chile have their vacations.”

On this point, he indicated that “if it were decreed to have classes in that month, there would be a very low attendance.”
