Coalition of the PPD, PS and Radical Party called on the Broad Front to join regional primaries


Less than a month from constituent plebiscite, the opposition rallies around the approval, but also with a view to the next governor elections and the municipal elections. For the same, Progressive Convergence invited firstias to Wide Front.

The first invitation was from the coalition United for Change, which make up the Match Communist, the Progressive and the Green Regionalist towards the grouping of PPD, P.S. Y PR, while the latter by means of a statement extended the invitation.

“We value the openness manifested by this group of opposition parties, coinciding with what we have been proposing, in the sense of promoting legal primaries for regional governors, in such a way as to arrive with unitary candidates for these historic elections next April, “they pointed out in the Progressive Convergence.

From the conglomerate they appealed to “the unity of the center-left” and described it as “fundamental for a common project facing the challenges of the regions, “for which they invited the Broad Front to join, leaving aside”identity concerns that, being legitimate, should not hinder the construction of the necessary majorities “.

Furthermore, the group of three former parties New Majority noted his “conviction that The primaries are also the ideal mechanism to define unitary candidacies of the center-left to the mayoralties“.

Finally, from the PPD, the PS and the PR did not rule out opening the group of parties even more, since “we can prevent the right, being a social and political minority, refractory to changes, obtain an overrepresentation in mayors and governorships“.
