CNTV receives more than 300 complaints against Bienvenidos for “degrading treatment” of Christian pastor | TV and Show


The National Television Council (CNTV) received more than 300 citizen complaints for the morning report Welcome Channel 13 on the complaints against the leader of the Church “Cristo Tu Única Esperanza”, Fernando Chaparro, issued on October 22.

There, Nicolás Retamales assured that the religious had a heritage of around 2,700 million pesos, which would have accumulated through “Prosperity gospel” for personal expenses such as travel, vehicles and property.

According to the letters of the complainants addressed to the CNTV, the Channel 13 program “Denigrated and defamed” to the pastor, to whom they attributed ownership of the central temple of the congregation, a fact that would have been denied by the Church.

According to the agency’s website, in October 302 complaints considering the journalistic treatment of the morning inappropriate.

“They denigrate, defame, damage the image of the church leader and denigrate himself as a person and pastor, damage his honor, his reputation and his presumption of innocence, as well as that of his family. Lack of truth and incitement to hatred ”, reads a complaint.

“They talk about his personal and family life”; “Malicious questions are asked of the pastor’s son, David Chaparro, by Amaro Gómez-Pablos”; “Only the version of the complaining party is shown, with evident resentment”; “They show only the bad and not the great work that the church does”; are other missives.

After the broadcast of the report, and through a public statement, Pastor Chaparro denied “categorically and bluntly” the accusations of Retamales, assuring that the millionaire property that is attributed belongs to the corporation that it integrates.
