The National Television Council (CNTV) determined this Thursday a fine of more than $ 20 million pesos to Mega, for the controversial episode starring José Miguel Viñuela in “Much Gusto”when he cut a cameraman’s hair live and direct.

As determined by the agency: “The National Television Council, in today’s session (yesterday), agreed, unanimously by the Directors present, to reject the discharges and sanction Red Televisiva Megavisión SA; and for the majority of the Directors present, impose a fine of 400 (four hundred) Monthly Tax Units (20,148,800 Chilean pesos), contemplated in Article 33 No. 2 of Law No. 18,838, for violating the proper functioning of television services by violating the provisions of Article 1 of Law No. 18,838 ″.

They add that “a fact that is configured through the exhibition of the morning program Mucho Gusto, on July 16, 2020, where, through a degrading and humiliating treatment given to a cameraman of said program, the personal dignity that is immanent to him was unknown, thus placing at risk the normal development of the personality of the minors present at the time of the broadcast, taking into account that the audited contents were broadcast during protection hours ”.

The cameraman José Manuel Miranda sued Viñuela for the sum of 100 million pesos, in what is in civil justice. The animator’s lawyers have already answered the libel and the resolution is awaited.


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