CNTV announces that it accepts Evópoli’s resignation to seconds in the Approval period and that this time will be redistributed among the rest of the commands registered in that option


This Thursday, the National Television Council announced that it accepted the resignation of Evópoli to its participation in the option Approval of the television strip of the plebiscite and that the 22 seconds that corresponded to the party would be destroyed among the other commands registered in this same alternative.

This occurred after the community held a political vote against the plebiscite and will change its institutional position from Approval to “freedom of action”.

After this decision was made known, the opposition asked the CNTV for a pronouncement in the event of a possible imbalance in the fringe in the event that a command or community changes its official option before the plebiscite.

The president of the organization, Catalina Parot, explained that the reasons why they decided to distribute Evópoli time among the other communities that support this alternative point to the fact that the Constitution establishes that there must be equality between the two options.

“It was estimated that taking Evópoli’s time to a dead time in the Approval could be subtracted from said option and make the constitutional mandate that the Council had that its measures or agreements respect that principle established in the constitutional reform that both Rejection or Approval was unfeasible. they had to count on the same time “Parot argued.

Along these lines, he added that “An interpretation was given that allowed that time to be distributed among the different political parties, commandos or independent parliamentarians who have opted for this option”.
