Marco Ferri and Aylén Milla they met on the Mega reality show “Test Love“, While the Argentine maintained a loving relationship outside the confinement. However, the perseverance of the Italian and her constant displays of love made the trans-Andean woman rethink their relationship, starting together a. love story that lasted several years.
Although the relationship between the two ended several months ago, through social networks they showed that they had been on good terms.
During this day, Ferri shared a publication with Anna modler, the former partner of Alexis Sanchez, leaving in evidence a New relationship. For her part, Milla unexpectedly closed his Instagram account, generating speculation of jealousy among his followers.
Aylén’s reasons
The Argentine took advantage of Twitter to explain the real reasons for her decision: “I am a person who takes great care of herself, works hard every day in self-love and love of neighborThose who know me know it ”, he began by counting.
“About a month ago the content I see on Instagram is hurting me, it affects me and I could no longer control it. Instagram was controlling my life, already entering the App by inertia and refreshing to see what was new. That for me is not life, it is not healthy, it is not mental health“He added explaining his sudden disappearance on the social network.
In addition, he assured that: “To all this, let’s add the things that I find out and I do not want to find out or see, and it exceeds me, I was controlling my life as if it were an addiction. I don’t have addictions in my life, so I will not allow Instagram to affect my emotional states and my mental psyche, my integrity as a person ”.
“NORTHor I know what I am going to do about it because it is my work tool, I will evaluate it these days. Thanks for understand. Always spread love and positivity. Aylén ”, concluded the Argentine.
Check here the publication:
Hello, I know that there are people who love me here and on Instagram, so I come to give an explanation, out of respect for those people. I already know that this message will reach those who care about me.
Why I deactivated my Instagram account: pic.twitter.com/ZFpg3SO4zY– Aylén Milla (@Aylenmilla) August 29, 2020