Claro prevails over WOM and is awarded the 10 MHz block in the 1.9 GHz band tendered by Movistar | Technology


Finally it was Clear the company that ended up winning the 10 MHz block in the 1.9 GHz band privately tendered by Movistar.

As reported by the specialized site Pisapapeles, the Spanish firm had received two offers to win the tender, Claro Chile and WOM, finally opting for the first.

In this way, the next step is for the change of ownership to be made effective before the Undersecretariat of Telecommunications (Subtel), a process that takes about four months.

Once the processing is completed, the 10 MHz block in the 1.9 GHz band will begin to be operational through Claro’s network.

Through a statement, the winning company indicated: “At Claro we are committed to Chile and that is why we want to lead the generation of new connectivity solutions that contribute to its economic and social development, as well as to the digital inclusion of all citizens.”

“This spectrum block is contiguous to the one we already have in this band, which allows us to strengthen and optimize our mobile services in the country, by increasing its voice and data transmission capacity,” the firm added.

Let us remember that a few weeks ago the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (MTT), through Subtel, received five offers from different companies within the framework of the public spectrum tender for the development of 5G networks: Entel, Claro, Movistar, WOM and Borealnet.

This is the highest number of bidders that have participated in a public spectrum tender in the country, after two bidders (Nextel and VTR) arrived for the AWS band tender in 2009 and in 2013, for the bidding for the 700 MHz and 2,600 MHz bands, three bidders participated (Entel, Movistar and Claro).

The public tender for the development of 5G networks also considers social considerations, including the obligation to connect 366 towns throughout Chile with 4G technology of maximum speed and capacity in the 700 MHz band, helping to reduce the digital divide.
