“It was a very beneficial result for us”. With those words, Christopher Díaz depicted the feeling of Talca Rangers after the final victory obtained before Sports Santa Cruz. The right back of the “piducanos” scored the first goal of the afternoon. And about the end of the game he was questioned by his rivals, as a control of the ball with the cue unleashed the reaction of Osvaldo “Arica” Hurtado’s pupils.
First, Fabian Carmona He committed a foul that earned him the yellow card. The midfielder trained in the minor divisions of the University of Chile said several things to the side, who was lying on the grass of the Talquino Fiscal stadium. Diego Díaz was another of the visitors who came to insult the “25” of the rojinegros, who reached Unión San Felipe and dream of hunting down Ñublense in the First B.
“Perhaps because of the result, it may be a lack of respect. But I also feel that it is part of football and where one has to enjoy. We were very tense and today we went out to play that way. I apologize to the rival team if they felt like that It never crossed my mind. I know several of their players and I never wanted to disrespect them. “said the player, who scored his fourth victory in the second category of Chilean soccer.