The Undersecretary of Public Health Paula DazaHe referred this morning to the Christmas future of the Metropolitan Region, which is uncertain for many communes, that only this December 21 will they know what and how they can celebrate these holidays.
In conversation with “With you in the morning”, Daza explained that The communes that remain in Phase 2, in the same way, may hold social meetings with a maximum capacity of 15 people, during December 25, which is a holiday and under normal circumstances, there would be quarantine.
“If the Metropolitan Region is in transition (or the communes that remain in this phase) people will be able to have their family reunions,” said the authority.
Asked about the possibilities for the region to advance, Daza said that “I do not want to anticipate or make predictions, but what we have seen in recent days is that in the Metropolitan Region the number of cases has continued to increase. In the last weeks we had an increase of more than 10% “.
Subsec @pdazan in @ContigoCHV #ContigoCHV
“We have a Christmas and New Year plan that establishes, for example, maximum capacities.”
“In MRI we have seen an increase in the number of cases and the decision to be made will be evaluated on Monday.” pic.twitter.com/IMX4LdPjYp
– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) December 18, 2020
“In general terms, we have to evaluate as a whole how the Metropolitan Region is evolving, however, if we see that there are what we call blocks or sectorial areas that are evolving positively, that the numbers have been decreasing, the positivity has been going down, that indicators such as traceability have evolved positively, obviously can be separated“, Held.