Chinese company has an advantage to win improvements in the Talca-Chillán section of Route 5 | Economy


A company of Chinese capital would be running with advantage in the adjudication process of the improvements of a section between Talca and Chillán on Route 5.

As reported by Diario Financiero, the current concessionaire of that section -the Colombian firm ISA-Intervial- and the Spanish Sacyr would be losing to China Raiways Construction Corporation.

The reason? the Asian would have presented a most attractive offer for the State, considering at least US $ 1,130 million of income from the concession.

According to the aforementioned medium, the objective of the tender is for a company to improve the section of more than 190 kilometers between Talca and Chillán on Route 5.

In the works, footbridges, railway crossings, a bypass, among others, would be considered.

In recent years, China’s presence in Chile has not stopped growing.

The Asian giant is the largest commercial partner of our country and at the regional level it is also for Peru, Brazil and Uruguay, to name a few. Without going any further, our country is one of the countries with the most free trade agreements; and in an economy that depends on copper, the Asian giant is the main buyer.

A few days ago, it was confirmed that the world’s largest electricity group, the Chinese state-owned State Grid, closed the purchase of the company CGE for a figure close to US $ 3 billion, which would mean the largest operation carried out during 2020 in Chile.

Of course, the operation still cannot be closed because the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office (FNE) could present objections.

Days after, The FNE confirmed a review of all companies controlled by the State of China and that have a presence in Chile.

The information was issued by the national economic prosecutor, Ricardo Riesco, who commented – during an intervention in the Economic Commission of the Lower House – that an analysis will be made of the participation of all the companies of the Asian giant.
