The forestry sector exports they reached US $ 1,530 million in the first quarter of the year, a figure that represents a drop of 24% compared to the same period of the previous year in which shipments totaled US $ 2,019 million, reported the Chilean Wood Corporation (Corma).
The forestry union indicated -through a statement- that this result reflects “the impact that exports had on trade war between the United States and China “ which are also the two main destination markets for Chilean forest exports.
According to Corma data, although the month of April 2020 showed a slight recovery in relation to March of the order of 4%, it is still “premature to speak of a recovery in the markets”.
In the last 12 months, the fall in price – which has stabilized in the first months of this year – has been tempered by the smaller decline in the total volume of exported products.
“The figures begin to reflect the impact on forest exports and world trade due to the Covid-19 effect, which were already showing a decline as a result of the trade war between our main destination markets: China and the United States, which together they represent almost half of our shipments abroad ”, explained the president of Corma, Juan José Ugarte.
Along these lines, he added that the productive capacity of this strategic sector and the opening of new markets “have partially mitigated these results”.
In this regard, the Corma report indicated that shipments to China showed a decline in March 2020 30% compared to the same month of 2019.
The United States, meanwhile, recorded a decline of 24% for the same period and Japan had a drop in the 40% with respect to the same month of the previous year.
Korea, for its part – which until February was the fourth and largest consumer of sawn wood – registered a decrease in the fifteen% in their importation of Chilean forest products.