Chile will reopen borders after 250 days: Government highlights tourism but reminds that pandemic continues | Economy


After almost 250 days closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, the national borders already have a reopening date to receive the first foreigners.

But the foregoing will apply only to those who arrive by air and at the Arturo Merino Benítez Airport.

That way, at 00:00 hours next Monday, November 23, according to an official decree, restrictions on the entry of foreigners will be lifted, who must comply with strict sanitary measures in accordance with a protocol prepared by the Ministry of Health, in which the Undersecretariat of Tourism participated.

The first requirement will be that, before arriving in Chile, passengers must complete a sworn declaration with the origin, destination, health condition and possible symptoms related to the coronavirus, “very similar to the health passport which was implemented a few months ago for national citizens ”, indicated the Undersecretariat.

The undersecretary of Tourism, José Luis Uriarte, highlighted the announcement since will allow to reactivate the tourism sector and take another step in the plan that the Government has carried out.

However, he called on everyone to continue taking care of themselves and to respect health measures so as not to have to back down.

“Although we can travel through Chile, the borders will be opened and we will receive foreign tourists, the pandemic is not over. These measures do not mean that we can relax, on the contrary, we must be even more responsible and careful, because to the extent that the sanitary condition allows it, we will advance even more and we will be able to reactivate the sector ”, said Uriarte.

The protocol for the entry of foreigners includes, in addition to the affidavit of each visitor, “A negative PCR test less than 72 hours after the flight.”

“In that way, tourists they will not have to quarantine, but they will be controlled through an application that will monitor them constantly, which will allow to maintain traceability with respect to people’s itineraries and the appearance of any symptoms that make it necessary to pay attention ”, remarked the Undersecretariat of Tourism.

Uriarte added that negative PCR is a fundamental part of maintaining security in our country.

“No one will be able to board at the place of origin if they do not have the negative test,” he said.

The protocol for the opening of borders and the entry of foreign tourists will be carried out gradually.

“That is why the air passage through the Arturo Merino Benítez Airport will first be reopened, while the land and sea routes will remain closed, while waiting for the sanitary condition to allow it to be opened ”, stated the Undersecretary of Tourism.
