Chile Vamos calls for the approval of the project for the second withdrawal of AFP funds, but with responsibility | National


From Chile Vamos they call to approve the project of a new withdrawal of pension funds, but seriously.

In this sense, Renovación Nacional will insist on remove the universality of the initiative, while the Government says that look for other solutions and not continue damaging pensions.

Next Tuesday, the bill that allows a second withdrawal of pension funds will be discussed in the Chamber of Deputies.

This time, the initiative has differences with the first occasion, since there will be a voluntary mechanism to replenish funds, added to the fact that the authorities must incorporate the withdrawal in their statement of assets and the highest incomes pay taxes for taking out your pension savings.

Of course, from RN they insist that this time the withdrawal not be universalInstead, focus on those who have seen their income decrease. Indication that was already rejected in the Constitution Commission, but that was defended by the deputy, Miguel Mellado.

From the UDI, deputy Jorge Alessandri called for approval of the initiative, but responsible way to take care of future pensions.

The indication on taxes for higher incomes was approved by the vote of DC, Matías Walker, who said that it is what he considers fair, so he hopes it will serve to obtain the votes necessary for the approval of the project.

The Government looks with concern at the processing of the initiative, so the Minister of Economy, Lucas Palacios, in conversation with CNN Chile, said that we must find the best way to meet the needs of Chileans other than pensions.

Specifically, the project needs the endorsement of 93 parliamentarians, what the deputies say would be easily achieved, in order to continue with its processing in the Senate.
