Chile the most expensive in Latin America: Disney + pre-sale launched before its official premiere


From this Tuesday, November 3, audiences in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay can now subscribe to Disney + with a special offer price.

The pre-launch offer for the annual subscription averages at least 15.5% off the standard annual value at launch and is only available at until November 16 at the following prices:

  • Argentina: 31,300 Chilean pesos (ARS $ 3,250)
  • Brazil: 31,800 pesos (R $ 237.9)
  • Ecuador, Uruguay, Panama and Costa Rica: 38,660 pesos (USD $ 50.9)
  • Colombia: 40,020 pesos (COP $ 203,900)
  • Peru: 46,400 pesos (PEN $ 220.9)
  • Mexico: 48,790 pesos (MXN $ 1,359)
  • Chile: 54,900 pesos

With this, Chile is the most expensive country at the time of hiring this streaming service, even with the special offer. Let us remember that since June of this year the digital tax began to govern.

For its part, the standard price starts from the launch on November 17. And these are its values:

  • Chile: 6,500 pesos per month or 64,900 per year.
  • Argentina: ARS $ 385.00 / month or ARS $ 3,850.00 / year
  • Brazil: BRL $ 27.90 / month or BRL $ 279.90 / year
  • Colombia: COP $ 23,900.00 / month or COP $ 239,900 / year
  • Peru: PEN $ 25.90 / month or PEN $ 259.90 / year
  • Mexico: MXN $ 159.00 / month or MXN $ 1,599.00 / year
  • Costa Rica, Ecuador and Panama: USD $ 5.99 / month or USD $ 59.99 / year (46 thousand pesos approx)
  • Uruguay: USD $ 7.49 / month or USD $ 74.99 / year (57 thousand pesos)