At least 1,879,000 People have been infected with COVID-19 worldwide since the pandemic started in Wuhan, China in December last year. This also means that from the Friday, April 10, 246,102 they were infected by the coronavirus. During the weekend, other 19,236 people lost their lives to the virus, for a total of 116,831 deceased. Fortunately, 436,081 people have recovered from COVID-19 since the pandemic began, although we still have 1,326,088 of active cases, of which, 50,832 they are in critical condition.
And although many wonder when we will be ready to return to normality, the experts affirm that there are only three solutions: adapt to living with COVID-19, taking extraordinary measures on a daily basis – such as social distancing in all the activities we carry out -; develop a vaccine, which would take at least a year; or let nations become naturally immune by exposing themselves to the virus, which would leave a large number of deaths, since the virus has a 5% risk of death, having increased by 1% since its inception – which it happened in the UK.
In Chile, where they have registered 7,525 cases with 82 deceased and 2,367 recovered, in the last 24 hours, they were also evident 312 new cases with two deceased. Still, the country had the highest recovery rate for COVID-19 in the southern American continent and became the first Latin American nation to reveal the criteria for those infected with COVID-19 to stop being considered “infectious ” The Minister of Health, Jaime Mañalich, highlighted that patients who have been discharged by the virus must pay a quarantine of 14 days after recovering, while patients have already tested positive for COVID-19 and have recovered efficiently and are immunocompromised with HIV , cancer or treatments with biological drugs or corticosteroids in immunosuppression doses, should remain in quarantine after recovery from coronavirus for another 28 days. Mañalich also indicated that, as the disease progresses, the chances that patients will re-become infected with the virus is “practically zero.”
“We are finding more people who had the infection, recovered and healed. These people develop antibodies, with memory. “
However, efforts to contract the virus in Chile still continue, and the measures being taken are increasingly desperate or drastic – such as postponing back to school. In fact, in Los Ríos, the government hired students from medicine and other branches of health to fight the virus. According to the mayor of the region, César Asenjo, in your entity have been accounted 135 cases while five patients are connected to mechanical ventilators and 416 they are in mandatory quarantine. The controversy regarding the use of respirators is also a health topic that has given much to talk about in recent days in Chile, since there is fear that those respirators in hospitals and private clinics are not used, since more than 80% of the population is served in public hospitals. However, the State – which made a million-dollar acquisition of artificial respirators just before the pandemic broke out – revealed that they have most of these devices and that they will be destined for the use of all those infected. Sebastián Piñera, the country’s president, declared the following:
“We have centralized control of all health capacity, both public and private, so that it is available to those who need it. Everything is coordinated, because it would not make any sense, for example, that in a private clinic there are unused ventilators when they are simultaneously needed in a public hospital. Here there is no distinction between public or private, nor between regions ”.
And although Chile is the second nation hardest hit by COVOD-19 in Latin America, after Brazil, the early acquisition of such respirators could be the difference between life and death for a large number of Chileans, especially now that the world faces a “mask war” over the purchase of products to combat the coronavirus, as restrictions on flights to and from China, where they manufacture most respirators and facemasks, and others, are increasing essential medical utensils to battle the pandemic. One of the countries most affected by these socio-political measures is Peru (7,519 cases, 193 deaths, 1,798 recovered) where the Government has not been able to allocate planes to search for medical supplies and depend entirely on donations from countries with greater purchasing power.
In Ecuador, it was announced on Sunday that almost 800 bodies of people who died in their homes in recent weeks were removed in Guayaquil, the epicenter of the coronavirus in the country, after the hospital and funeral systems collapsed due to the pandemic. # ViaAFP pic.twitter.com/6KxyhaoE1Z
– Teledos (@teledos_tcs) April 13, 2020
Images obtained with a drone show the capital of Ecuador almost empty, as the country faces a crisis as a consequence of the increase in cases of coronavirus pic.twitter.com/rGn5DE5EZQ
– RT in Spanish (@ActualidadRT) April 13, 2020
In Ecuador, the outlook is not encouraging. In fact, with 7,466 cases, 333 deceased and 501 recovered, the Government of Lenin Moreno, president of this republic, asked his cabinet and the public sector in general to create a National Humanitarian Assistance Account that it will be fed by donations from the public and private sectors and that will be destined in forms of bonds for small merchants and those that have been hardest hit by the pandemic.
“Falkland Islands”:
Because they report that the coronavirus cases confirmed in them will be added to the totals in Argentinapic.twitter.com/aRQnbXC9gR– Why is it trending? (@porquetendencia) April 12, 2020
ENOUGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr. President @alferdez INVEST THE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT MYSTERY NOW !!!!!!!!! They denounce more overprices in the purchase of food in Social Development https://t.co/1Un10wOGZv
– Diego Ramiro Guelar (@diegoguelar) April 13, 2020
A part of the opposition is circulating the argument that the Argentine situation regarding the coronavirus is not real because there are no tests (?).
Suppose there were no tests, do they see dead people on the streets? Do they see saturated intensive care?
– Gabriel Soglio (@SoglioGabriel) April 12, 2020
In Argentina, despite all the efforts made by the State, the number of positive cases increased to 2,208, with 97 deceased and 468 recovered. The country was one of the first in Latin America to declare quarantine, but the use of masks or masks was not mandatory, until now, where the inhabitants of the largest cities demanded its use in public. Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires, even decreed that those found in the streets will be fined, and that the fine will be 80 thousand Argentine pesos (US $ 1,234.72, at the official exchange rate). The country’s Ministry of Health endorsed the measure after, in the last 24 hours, reports 66 new infections with seven deceased. Meanwhile, Rodríguez Larreta stated the following:
“The specifications will be detailed in the regulations. But it was established between 500 to 3,700 fixed units, which means that it ranges from 10,000 to 80,000 pesos. In stores, where there are people who serve the public who do not comply, it can go as far as closure or disqualification. ”
On the old continent, where countries like Spain, Italy and even Germany and France begin to see a light of hope, the United Kingdom is plunged into an abyss of contagion that generated one of the deadliest weekends since the start of the pandemic . So much so, that in the last 24 hours, 4,342 positive cases with 717 deceased (barely 28 less than in the United States), for a total of 88,621 cases with 11,329 deceased. One of those recovered was the Prime Minister of the island nation, Boris Johnson, who attacked the national health system, the NHS, for saving his life and thanked, among a handful of doctors and nurses, two nurses in particular, both foreigners, one from Portugal and one from New Zealand.
It is hard to find the words to express my debt to the NHS for saving my life.
The efforts of millions of people across this country to stay home are worth it. Together we will overcome this challenge, as we have overcome so many challenges in the past. #StayHomeSaveLives pic.twitter.com/HK7Ch8BMB5
– Boris Johnson #StayHomeSaveLives (@BorisJohnson) April 12, 2020
Meanwhile, in Spain, the number of deaths in 24 hours falls again. On Sunday, for example, only 517 deceased, the lowest mortality figure since March 24th. The trend continues to be downward, especially after, so far, they have hardly been reported 280 deceased. In this Iberian nation, they have been counted 169,496 positive cases (394,821 less than in the United States and 13,133 more than in Italy and 87,336 more than in China) and have also been reported 17,489 deaths. In addition, 64,727 recovered, and is the second country with the highest number of discharged patients in the world, after China (77,663). Still, the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, acknowledged that they have not yet emerged from the first phase and that, in order to be successful against COVID-19, many other measures must be applied and mainly, a longer period of confinement:
“I want to be very clear: we are not even entering a second phase. The de-escalation will begin at the earliest in two weeks and will be progressive and cautious. The general confinement will continue for at least the next two weeks… only the extreme measure of hibernation has ended… the one that should be, on the other hand, immediate and start is already the de-escalation in political tension ”.
Regarding the political sphere, Sanchez invited all parties to join in a “great deal for the economic and social reconstruction of the country. The destructive power of the virus does not distinguish territories or political colors. The thick words, the aggressive language must be left behind. By all. And I promise to be the first to work on it because of my responsibility as Prime Minister. ”
Dreamers have contributed so much to our country, and they are risking their lives fighting on the frontlines of this pandemic. They deserve permanent immigration status and a pathway to citizenship — as they are Americans in every way but on paper. https://t.co/e4IYqX3WIy
– Barack Obama (@BarackObama) April 13, 2020
There is no doubt that the country most affected by the coronavirus in the world, at least according to official figures, is the United States. In fact, with 574,206 cases, 22,962 deceased and 33,754 recovered – 13,906 infected in the last 24 and 857 deaths – the North American country surpassed China, Spain and Italy in the number of positive cases and deaths. The health, financial and social crisis facing the nation is perhaps one of the most difficult since World War II and a source of criticism of the President’s government. Donald trump. However, Trump, the right-wing president known for his anti-immigration policies, decided to open immigration opportunities for qualified medical personnel to face COVID-19 on his side of the border. In fact, having declared “we want them to come”, Trump also declared that he will protect the jobs of agricultural workers, a task that, for the most part, is carried out by undocumented Mexicans or Central Americans. Additionally, Trump stated the following: “We are not closing the border so that all those people cannot enter. They have been there years and years, and I have given the farmers my word: they will continue to come. ”
After reading, what did you think?