Chile: in full quarantine, an 88-year-old woman was evicted from her home by her own daughter


The image of the old woman evicted in the middle of the street was the one that triggered the prosecution's complaint
The image of the old woman evicted in the middle of the street was the one that triggered the prosecution’s complaint

The prosecutor’s office in the Chilean municipality of Linares, in the south of Santiago, filed a complaint against a woman for allegedly evicting her 88-year-old mother in full quarantine due to the coronavirus pandemic.

According to the portal Linares Online, the older woman, identified as Adriana, had been the subject of a complaint that went viral on social networks with an image of her and a suitcase abandoned on the street.

Another of the woman’s daughters, identified as Alejandra Marchant, told the Chilean news portal that think it’s all part of a scam.

“We thought everything was fine, but now we find out that in December 2019, she (Fernanda) cheated on my mother so that he could give him the rights of the house, remaining in his name, “the woman explained to Linares Online.

The Government of Chile maintains the quarantine in several municipalities of the country.  SOUTH AMERICA CHILE INTERNATIONAL POLICY AGENCIAUNO / ALEX BELTRAN
The Government of Chile maintains the quarantine in several municipalities of the country. SOUTH AMERICA CHILE INTERNATIONAL POLICY AGENCIAUNO / ALEX BELTRAN

Alejandra explained that his mom is not mentally well and that you are sure that her sister tricked her into keeping the house.

For his part, the mayor of the commune, Mario Meza, cited by Bío Bíosaid Friday that he visited “Mrs. Adriana, who yesterday was kicked out of her home by her daughter, this, added to the terrible conditions of how she was being treated, reflects the unfortunate reality of many older adults in our commune.”

“As a Municipality We are not going to allow them to violate their rights, they are the source of the experience and they deserve all the respect, not only from their children and family members, but from all Linarians ”, added.

Meza added that the municipality “She is going to gather all the judicial records and we will complain about those who exercised domestic violence against herWe will also support her and her family with everything they request to improve Adriana’s quality of life ”.

With the reduction in the number of new infections, the Chilean authorities began a plan based on five stages to return to normality, which is applied locally by neighborhoods, cities or regions according to the state of the pandemic in each place.  EFE / Elvis González / Archive
With the reduction in the number of new infections, the Chilean authorities began a plan based on five stages to return to normality, which is applied locally by neighborhoods, cities or regions according to the state of the pandemic in each place. EFE / Elvis González / Archive

For its part, from the National Service for the Elderly (Senama), Patricia Labra, general coordinator, detailed to the same medium that “effectively the neighbors denounced that he was on public roads” and they aimed at the lady’s daughter.

“We, like Senama, when we found out about the case, we contacted the municipality and they told us that the older adult had spent less than an hour on the street and that she had been welcomed by a neighbor “, explained and added that “everything that are health controls and support networks were immediately managed.”

Patricia indicated that during this Monday they met “as Senama in conjunction with the mayor, a multidisciplinary team from the municipality, Senama’s senior defense attorney and relatives of the older adult.”

“We were confirmed that the older adult is currently in the care of another of her daughters and is going to move in the next few days to reside with her in the commune of Maipú (…) She has family networks present that are other daughters, ”he argued.


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