Chile imposes the mandatory use of the mask on beaches and resorts


The Government announced the mandatory use of masks on beaches and resorts in Chile, emulating the provisions that currently apply to parks and outdoor squares.

“People who are going to use the beaches have to maintain the same protocols as in any public and open place. What does it mean? they have to keep wearing a mask on the beaches, they are a public place; they have to maintain the physical distance between one person and another of one meter and they must avoid crowds “, said Tuesday the Undersecretary of Public Health, Paula Daza.

At the same time, the health authority specified that Groups that go to the country’s beaches and spas – friends, families or outings – cannot exceed 10 people.

“People on the beaches are going to be inspected and if they are not respecting sanitary measures, they can be sanctioned“Daza emphasized.
