The Ministry of Health confirmed this friday 8,112 new cases of Covid-19 detected in Chile … For the first time in more than a year of epidemic, our country added more than 8,000 additional infections in 24 hours.
The figure confirms that the contagion curve continues to rise, in the midst of a critical hospital situation throughout the country: on Thursday 7,830 new cases had been registered, surpassing the “psychological barrier” of one million infections.
The report of this day gives an account of other 93 people died as a result of the coronavirus (they go 23,421 in total, according to this count; but there are more than 30 thousand if the probable deaths by Covid are added), and 45,202 assets; that is, currently contagious.
In CNN Chile, the Undersecretary of Public Health, Paula Daza, noted that “we do not know what will happen next, but it is the most critical situation of the pandemic, because we have a very important number of cases, there are 8,000 cases a day, we have a high positivity “.
“A year ago we had a positivity in our country of 30 percent and at that time we were doing 20 thousand exams, today we are doing 75 thousand, we have reached almost 80 thousand daily exams, which allow us to find people more promptly, but we are in a very complex situation, very critical“he added.
Friday April 2 | Daily balance # COVID-19
🔸 8,112 new cases
🔸 5,348 cases with symptoms
🔸 2,184 asymptomatic cases
🔸 580 without notification
🔸 1,011,485 total cases
🔸 45,202 assets
🔸 942,413 recovered
🔸 93 deceased (23,421 in total) pic.twitter.com/oMSWENApNM– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) April 2, 2021
The 8,112 new cases were detected from 73,543 PCR testsThis indicates that the positivity at the country level stood at 10.77 percent at the country level. In the Metropolitan region, meanwhile, detailed the Minsal, reached 12 percent.
Carlos perez, infectologist and dean of the San Sebastián University School of Medicine, explained that “one is the vaccination plan that is going very well and we are very happy for them, but another thing is when we will have herd immunityIt has always been said that this takes several months and, therefore, it is essential to continue maintaining all the self-care measures “.
Friday April 2 | PCR tests positivity pic.twitter.com/ahmov95ICi
– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) April 2, 2021
Finally, the official balance reports 169 beds available in the unified health network, 2,804 hospitalized and 2,414 on mechanical ventilation; There is also 5,193 places available in healthcare residences.
Paula Margozzini, an iCovid researcher and medical academic at the Catholic University, indicated that in Chile today “five people are dying every hour because of the Covid “, all this because the” hospital situation is very very critical “.
“Any increase in cases, this increasing volume of cases, finally ends in a tip of the iceberg which is hospitalization in ICU and deaths, then if the volume of contagion increases, if or if the ICU increases in the following two weeks, and the problem is that we were over 90 percent occupancy all summer, currently with 95 percent occupancy nationwide, various regions with 98 percent, “he explained.
Along the same lines, Inia Pérez, head of infectology at the German Clinic, said that today’s figure “is super worrying since this will be reflected in the coming weeks in the overload to hospital systemsIn the case of Clínica Alemana, as in other healthcare centers, the situation is very complex, we are with a very high occupancy, close to 100 percent of hospitalized coronavirus beds “.