Chile surpassed the four million vaccinated against Covid-19 this Friday since the mass immunization campaign began on February 3, a milestone that confirms the country at the forefront of the inoculation process in Latin America and as one of the most outstanding in the world.
👏👏👏👏 One applause for every million! One month after the start of the mass vaccination plan against the # COVID-19 in Chile 🇨🇱 we reached four million vaccinated #YoMeVacuno ✌️ pic.twitter.com/mAL9F2WRiz
– Yo Me Vacuno @MinisterioSalud (@MeVacuno) March 5, 2021
Specifically, they are 4,031,812 the people who have received at least the first dose, which represents the 21 percent of the 19 million inhabitants that the country has.
“I want to highlight the privileged and outstanding position that Chile reaches at this minute in the average daily doses per 100 inhabitants, where after Israel, our country is positioned with 0.74 average daily doses in the last seven days “, highlighted the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris.
According to the secretary of state, “This reflects the work of primary care and hospital officials, mayors and the Chilean population who is enthusiastically attending to get vaccinated. “
The authority, during its report, highlighted that to date 535,600 people have received both doses of the vaccine, thus completing the immunization scheme against Covid-19, noting that “it is a figure that fills us with pride.”
Similarly, he stressed that 2,608,017 people aged 60 and over they have been part of the mass immunization campaign. In this regard, he indicated that “this figure is important because from the beginning we set ourselves to vaccinate the elderly, who are the ones who are hospitalized the most and have more lethality in intensive treatment units.
On gender, the 59.2 percent of those inoculated correspond to women and 40.8 percent are men.
📺 | LIVE | Vaccination Balance # COVID-19 – Friday March 5 https://t.co/YEIEQsH6Wc
– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) March 5, 2021
Minister @DrEnriqueParis
“Chile has a privileged location. It is a pride to show this table, because it is thanks to the effort of primary care personnel, hospitals and people who are attending to get vaccinated.” pic.twitter.com/fKqPZ5OdKD
– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) March 5, 2021
Through his Twitter account, the President Sebastián Piñera I affirm that “united we are capable of moving mountains” and that “we will continue working tirelessly to protect the health and life of all.”
“This great achievement is everyone’s credit, but the pandemic is not over. We must continue to take care of each other, “added the President.
United we are capable of moving mountains.
Today we exceed 4 million people vaccinated. We will continue to work tirelessly to protect the health and life of all.
This great achievement is everyone’s credit, but the pandemic is not over. We must continue to take care of each other.
– Sebastian Piñera (@sebastianpinera) March 5, 2021
Minister Paris recalled that From Monday, March 8, people with comorbidities and people with severe disabilities can be vaccinated, starting with the group between 58 and 59 years of age. Vaccination with second doses will also continue to the population already inoculated with the first dose.
In this regard, the authority reported that from Monday a display will be installed that will show the progress of the vaccination campaign “reporting the total figures and that will show the effort we are making, both in hospitals and in primary care, and the enthusiasm of the inhabitants of Chile to get vaccinated. “
For Monday, in addition, the arrival is expected another shipment with two million vaccine dose Sinovac.