Chile exceeded 4,000 daily cases due to Covid-19


The Ministry of Health reported 4,201 new coronavirus infections in the last 24 hours and more than 20 thousand active cases in the country.

Of the 4,201 new cases, 2,685 are with symptoms and 1,356 asymptomatic, bringing the figure to a total of 633,381 since the pandemic began in the country, of which 20,259 are in the active stage of the virus.

This figure is close to the numbers registered during the first peak of infections in the country, when 4,216 cases were reported on June 28.

Meanwhile, in the last 24 hours, 54,041 PCR tests, a new record number of testing, with a positivity of 7.7 percent and reaching 7.97 percent in the last seven days.

The Minsal indicated that only two regions decreased their new cases in the last seven days and none in the last 14 days, while the regions with the highest increase in the last week were Atacama, Antofagasta, Tarapacá and Valparaíso.

Through a statement, the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, pointed out that “what we have seen in recent weeks: New Year’s parties, other clandestine ones, crowds in shopping centers, they are true attacks on public health. These situations not only worry us, they sadden us. “

“The effort of the health personnel has been strenuous, we have been in the pandemic for almost a year, they have worked day and night for months. Although our vaccination plan is progressing, we have 10,689 throughout the country, defeating the pandemic is a joint challenge“he added.

The death of 61 people, registered in the Department of Health Statistics and Information (DEIS), totaling 16,974 fatalities in 11 months of the pandemic.

There are currently 873 hospitalized in intensive care units, of which 707 are on mechanical ventilation support, leaving only 200 of these teams available, and 72 people are in critical health.
