Chile exceeded 19,000 deaths from Covid, including confirmed and probable cases


The Department of Statistics and Information (DEIS) of the Ministry of Health reported this Saturday that Chile exceeded 19,000 deaths, between confirmed and probable cases, from Covid-19 during the pandemic, which arrived in our country in March.

Specifically, according to the 20th Weekly Report of Deaths, as of Thursday, October 29, they had reported 19,070 deaths nationwide.

From them, 14,207 correspond to deceased persons with a positive PCR test for Covid-19, the vast majority in the Metropolitan Region, which concentrates 9,847. The only other region that exceeded a thousand deaths is Valparaíso, which reports 1,057.

While, 4,863 are suspicious deaths by Covid-19, that is, cases pending confirmation of whether or not they were infected with the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus. Almost half are in the capital (2,857), and another important fraction in Valparaíso (522).

According to this report, adding confirmed and probable deaths, the Metropolitana remains the region with the highest mortality rate adjusted per 100,000 inhabitants, of 106.37. They are followed by Antofagasta (96.30), Tarapacá (67.89) and Magallanes (63.95)

On the other hand, The regions with the lowest rate are Aysén (8.09), but the number almost doubled compared to last week, and Los Ríos (8.11), followed by Los Lagos (16.59), La Araucanía (18.57) and Ñuble (19.62).

The mortality rate nationwide In this respect, it is located in 61.29.

The deaths, added confirmed and probable, and rate by region. (Source: DEIS)


On the other hand, according to Epidemiological Report number 64 of the Minsal, until October 29, Chile accumulated 576,949 Covid-19 cases (508,571 with laboratory confirmation and 68,378 probable, without laboratory confirmation), with a rate of 2,965.1 infected per 100,000 inhabitants.

The highest cumulative incidence rates per 100,000 inhabitants, according to laboratory-confirmed cases, are found in Magellan (7,343.5), the Metropolitan region (4095.9) and Arica and Parinacota (3,930.4).

The The age group with the most total infections is still the one between 30 and 44 years old, which accounts for 29.65 percent of confirmed and probable cases; followed by people between 45 and 64 years old, who registered 28.74 percent, those over 65 years old (10.93 percent) and those under 15 years old (6.36 percent).
