Chile added its fourth consecutive day with more than 5,000 daily cases of Covid-19


The Ministry of Health reported in this Sunday’s report that in the last 24 hours 5,734 new cases were registered and 100 deaths from Covid-19 were added in the country.

Of the total number of new infections, 3,911 cases show symptoms, 1,493 cases are asymptomatic and 130 have not yet been notified. While, 33,290 patients are in the active stage and the recovered cases reached 835,669.

With this new record, Chile reached 891,110 total infected since the pandemic began, while the total death toll increased to 21,674.

The Minsal balance also indicates that there are 2,015 patients in the ICU, of which 1,739 are supported by mechanical ventilation. Regarding the Integrated Health Network, there is a total of 192 critical beds available for the patient who requires it, regardless of the region where they are.

On the other hand, the number of Health Residences available is 175, with 12,785 places.

In the last 24 hours, 68,151 PCR were performed, with a positive 8.23 ​​percent at the country level, reaching a total of 10,120,265 tests since the start of the pandemic.

Concern about large number of ICU patient hospitalizations

Regarding the large number of hospitalizations of ICU patients, the spokesperson for the Chilean Society of Intensive Medicine, Gabriel Salgado placeholder image, warned that in regions the occupancy of these beds exceeds 90 percent and called to understand that the Covd-19 pandemic “has not yet ended” in the country.

“When we talk about occupation and how the pandemic occurs at the country level, we see that in regions the occupation is above 93 percent. We have been constantly mentioning that the pandemic is not over“, the expert explained to Cooperative.

Along the same lines, he stated that “although there is a vaccination process that has been successful in our country, risk perception should not be lost. By reducing the probability of contagion, we can reduce the presence of new cases and try not to oversaturate our health system “.

“We also want to mention that it is necessary to reinforce in some way the testing, traceability and isolation“, pointed out Salgado.

“The number of critical beds is increasing”

In the same line, Igancio Silva, infectologist and academic at the Usach School of Medicine, indicated that “Today it is not only patients with Covid who are hospitalized, but they also occupied a large part due to another type of pathology “.

“The number of critical beds is being increased due to an indication from the Minsal to reach a similar number or the same number that we had in last year’s pick. The problem is that they are beds that appear to they were not qualified to be critical beds and therefore neither the structure nor the staff is trained to handle critical patients “, warned the expert.

The same quality of care cannot be delivered in a conventional ICU bed with personnel prepared for that, rather than in a bed that is opened at the last minute in order to be able in some way to face the increase in cases, “lamented the infectologist.
